Tattoo Artist

I was first exposed to tattoos at a young age , I was around 10 years old when my cousin came by the house and had a huge dragon tattoo on his back . As a kid that amazed me and sparked a really keen interest in art and design .I started my journey in the tattoo industry at the age of 20 at a local tattoo shop learning new skills as I developed more as an artist.

About Me

I’m Dan. I love drawing andskateboarding.

To me, the world unfolds in bold lines and captivating stories. That’s what tattoos became for me after a childhood encounter with a mythical beast inked onto skin.

Now, with 9 years of experience, I translate these stories into permanent art, specializing in traditional, classic and black work styles.

Whether you want a classic design or a fresh twist on an old favorite, let’s collaborate and create something that speaks to you.

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